Dr. Jennifer Platt’s Tick Talk – Educating Chatham County on tick-borne diseases

By Gene Galin

Pittsboro, NC – Ticks may be small, but they can cause big problems for those who come into contact with them. In Chatham County, North Carolina, tick-related incidents are on the rise, leaving many residents puzzled about the symptoms they experience. However, Dr. Jennifer Platt, an entomologist, is determined to shed light on these tiny pests and the diseases they carry. With her expertise and dedication, she conducted an informative session on Wednesday evening at 79°West to educate the community about ticks, the diseases they transmit, and crucial prevention strategies.

The event was sponsored by Innovate Chatham and you can view the presentation on our YouTube channel. Below are the key takeaways from Dr. Platt’s talk.

Dr. Jennifer Platt’s Tick Talk presentation at 79°West on 5.9.23

Understanding the Types of Ticks in North Carolina
Ticks are not just creepy crawlies; they come in different species, each with its own distinct characteristics and disease-carrying abilities. In North Carolina, there are three primary types that pose a risk to humans. The Lone Star tick, the black-legged tick (also known as the deer tick, which carries Lyme disease), and the American dog tick are the main culprits. Dr. Platt explains that the Lone Star tick is most active from March to October, while the black-legged tick becomes more prevalent when the weather cools down. The black-legged tick is infamous for carrying Lyme disease, while the American dog tick is known for causing Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

She emphasizes that the information shared pertains specifically to North Carolina, as tick activity can vary across regions.

Identifying Tick Species and Their Behavior
Dr. Platt educates attendees on how to identify different tick species. While ticks are notoriously small and hard to spot, the Lone Star tick stands out due to its distinct red coloring. However, the black-legged tick and American dog tick may require a closer look for proper identification. She explains that the Lone Star tick actively hunts its prey, whereas the black-legged tick utilizes a passive approach called “questing.” Understanding the behavior of these ticks is essential for effective prevention.

Tick-Borne Diseases and Their Impact
Ticks are not just nuisances; they can transmit serious diseases to humans. In North Carolina, ticks can transmit illnesses such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Dr. Platt focuses on two primary diseases prevalent in North Carolina: Lyme disease and Alpha-gal syndrome. Lyme disease is characterized by symptoms like fever, fatigue, and joint pain. It is transmitted by the black-legged tick, and can lead to long-term health complications if not diagnosed and treated early.

Alpha-gal syndrome, also known as the meat allergy, is a relatively new condition associated with tick bites. This unique syndrome occurs when the lone star tick transmits a sugar molecule called alpha-gal into the bloodstream, leading to an allergic reaction to mammalian meat. While the syndrome’s symptoms can be mild or severe, it is important to note that reactions may not occur immediately after consuming meat products containing alpha-gal.

Dr. Platt highlights the importance of awareness and early detection to mitigate the effects of these diseases. It is also essential to note that tick-borne diseases are not limited to rural areas; they can affect individuals residing in urban and suburban regions as well.

Diagnosing tick-borne diseases can be challenging, as symptoms can vary and often mimic other illnesses. Medical professionals play a crucial role in accurately identifying and treating these diseases. Increased awareness and advocacy efforts are necessary to ensure that tick-borne diseases receive the attention they deserve. Education and collaboration with healthcare providers, state legislators, and research institutions can lead to improved diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies.

Prevention Strategies for Tick Bites
Prevention is key when it comes to avoiding tick bites and the potential diseases they carry. By taking simple precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk of getting bitten. Dr. Platt provides practical advice to Chatham County residents. She advises wearing protective clothing, such as long sleeves and pants, when venturing into tick-prone areas.

Additionally, applying EPA-approved tick repellents containing DEET or natural alternatives like wild tomato plant extract can provide effective protection. Dr. Platt also emphasizes the importance of thorough tick checks and prompt removal to minimize the risk of disease transmission.

In addition to personal protection, controlling ticks in the environment is essential. Creating a tick-safe environment by keeping lawns well-maintained and reducing tick habitats can help minimize exposure. Various methods, such as using tick-repellent products, treating lawns with nematodes (tick-eating organisms), and encouraging natural tick predators like possums, can help reduce tick populations.

Tick Removal, Treatment and Seeking Medical Assistance
If you find a tick attached to your skin, proper removal is crucial to minimize the risk of disease transmission. It is recommended to use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible. With a steady grip, pull upward without twisting or jerking the tick. Cleaning the bite area with soap and water after removal is also advisable.

In case of a tick bite, swift action is crucial. Dr. Platt emphasizes that seeking medical attention is necessary, especially for symptoms associated with tick-borne diseases. Early detection and proper treatment with antibiotics can prevent further complications. She encourages individuals to advocate for improved reporting of tick-related conditions to raise awareness among medical professionals and policymakers.


Dr. Jennifer Platt’s Wednesday evening session on tick-borne diseases in Chatham County has provided residents with knowledge about ticks, their behaviors, and the diseases they carry. By understanding the different tick species, recognizing the symptoms of tick-borne diseases, and adopting preventive measures, residents can significantly reduce their risk of exposure. Dr. Platt’s expertise and efforts to educating the community serve as a call to action for improved awareness, research, and collaboration among healthcare professionals, policymakers, and residents. By implementing the prevention strategies shared by Dr. Platt, Chatham County residents can work towards reducing the incidence of tick-borne diseases and creating a safer environment for everyone.

Looking ahead, Dr. Platt plans to continue her efforts in tick education and advocacy. She aims to collaborate with local organizations and schools to conduct more informative sessions and workshops, reaching a wider audience and ensuring that the knowledge about tick-borne diseases is accessible to many more people. Furthermore, she plans to work closely with healthcare providers to improve diagnosis and treatment protocols, ultimately enhancing the overall healthcare response to tick-related illnesses.