Pittsboro, NC – Chatham County Parks and Recreation is thrilled to announce it will offer many in-person programing and events this fall at the Chatham Grove Community Center, Northeast District Park and The Park at Briar Chapel. In fact, there is something for residents of all ages to enjoy with Parks and Recreation.
Chatham Grove Community Center
Chatham County Parks and Recreation will offer Zumba, yoga, chair yoga for seniors (free), youth jump rope, youth art class, and indoor open adult pickleball at the Chatham Grove Community Center located at 1301 Andrews Store Road, Pittsboro. The Chatham Grove Community Center is Chatham County’s first joint-use recreation center with a school and is open for select hours and programming.
Northeast District Park
Chatham County Parks and Recreation will offer tennis lessons, pickleball lessons and a co-ed adult softball league at Northeast District Park located at 5408 Big Woods Road, Chapel Hill.
The Park at Briar Chapel
Chatham County Parks and Recreation’s outdoor movie series Movies in the Park will take place at The Park at Briar Chapel located at 1015 Andrews Store Road, Pittsboro. Movies will be shown on Friday evenings (with rain date on Saturdays). Residents should save the following dates: August 27, September 11 and September 24. Movies will be announced at a later time.
“We are excited to be able to offer much of our programming for Chatham County families once again this fall, after many months of restrictions and cancellations due to the pandemic,” said Chatham County Parks and Recreation Director Tracy Burnett. “We are also thankful for the opportunity to offer limited programs in our first community center located at Chatham Grove Elementary School and look forward to Chatham residents enjoying this great facility for years to come.”
All events and programs will adhere to the latest COVID-19 guidelines, and programs are subject to change.
For more information or to register for these upcoming events and programs, visit the Chatham County Parks and Recreation website, or contact Parks and Recreation at 919-545-8551 or email recreation@chathamcountync.gov. Information and updates will also be shared on Chatham County Parks and Recreation’s social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).