The Chatham Chatlist community and the community that it serves is generous indeed

By John Dykers

Siler City, NC – Yes, the Chatham Chatlist community and the community at large that it serves, is indeed generous.

Photo by Martin Vysoudil 

Lovely people showered offers of help, a place to stay, clothes, groceries, furniture et al when my home burned down. Fortunately, Rotary Lunch was there that very day and Winfred Brady took me to the UNC basketball game that night and left me off at Nancy Van Camp’s digs near Chapel Hill. She kept me for the year until our downsize was rebuilt on site.

Fortunately, State Farm kicked in promptly and without hassle. Still wear a sport coat Stretch Keeney gave me.

Love you all. You are generous and kind, and I thank God for dropping me in the midst of such wonderful people.