Political dumpster fire in Siler City

By Bill Crawford

Siler City, NC – This post will hopefully lead you to more information, I can’t go far with that here. There are four young men running for office in the Town of Siler City, and as I dug into them and what they were about, they went from a curiosity to smelling worse than three day old fish.

They seem to be loaded down with inconsistencies, answers that are on the wrong end of veracity with two minutes of research, talking points that seem crazy at first hearing, claims of having already published a newspaper that goes to “40,000 Chatham doorsteps” that I’ve never heard of, and worse.

They have a website (or is it down now?) that proclaims the fuzzy goals of “Siler Unity” or “Save our Siler) under savesiler.org.

The four men, Nick Gallardo, Dean Pico II, Jared Picot and Samuel Williams, all are on the primary ballot in Siler City and all have topical but limited issues they are advocating for, but raise far more questions than they answer.

And who the hell is the millionaire (he’s not a “billionaire”, as reported) in Durham, Courtney Jordan, who is funding them and what is his agenda?

After granting them interviews last week, Bill Horner at the Chatham Record did some digging of his own and came up with an encyclopedia of questionable statements and an apparent lack of transparency that he could not reconcile. You will find all that at the story link.

Watch who you are voting for, folks. Don’t support this “unity” ticket until you figure out where the hell they want to go. This has all the hallmarks of a George Soros style operation written all over it. Save our Siler, indeed.