Jessica Winger knows that student success depends on the collaboration of parents and teachers

By Becky Lee, NBCT

Pittsboro, NC – I am a veteran teacher of 44 years. I taught high school Spanish at Northwood for 30  years and ten more years at Woods Charter School. Because I was part-time and had small classes at Woods, I had time to email my parents every week, reporting on the previous week and the upcoming week. It became even clearer that small class sizes and a  close relationship with parents were vital keys to the success of students. 

Becky Lee, who has taught Spanish at Northwood high school for 30 years, endorses Jessica Winger for Chatham County School Board.

I am passionate about building a positive relationship between parents and teachers. I am fortunate that in my tenure I had very supportive parents! Of course, there are always a  few who are not. The weekly email was an invitation for parents to make comments, ask questions, or request clarification. I welcomed parent volunteers and often had parents accompany my students on trips to Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Peru. 

I feel that my values and goals are aligned with those of Jessica Winger. We both know that the success of our students depends on the collaboration of parents and teachers. I have always welcomed and depended upon the support of parents. Jessica also realizes the importance of parental involvement. Why else would she be a substitute teacher? She has also attended most school board meetings for two years. She has dedicated her time,  talents, and attention to Chatham County Schools. Jessica is the liaison between parents and schools that we need in Chatham. If you believe that Chatham County needs this partnership, vote for Jessica Winger! 

Becky Lee, NBCT is a retired teacher who has taught in Chatham County schools