Chatham County arrest blotter: June 2023

Pittsboro, NC – Here is the Chatham County Sheriff department’s arrest blotter for June 2023. On June 1, Will Spencer Johnson, 33, of 1065 Duet Drive, Siler City, was arrested by Deputy Chris Scales for manufacture, sale, distribution, possession within…

CCCC hosts successful STEM Educator Solar Institute

Pittsboro, NC – Eleven educators attended the STEM Educator Solar Institute sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the CREATE Energy Center June 27-29 at Central Carolina Community College’s Chatham Main Campus in Pittsboro, N.C. Participants explored hands-on classroom lab…

Tim Lowe on Lowes Foods expansion into Pittsboro

By Gene Galin Pittsboro, NC – In a move aimed at providing fresh products and supporting local communities, Lowes Foods, a grocery store chain with a long-standing presence in North Carolina, has recently expanded its operations to Pittsboro. The decision…

9 most popular Chatham Journal stories of June 2023

Pittsboro, NC – Here were our nine most popular stories of June 2023: Photo by brotiN biswaS on The Muehlbach house: A general contractor’s perspective Poll: NC voters decidedly favor capitalism over socialism Chatham County arrest blotter: May 2023…

The zoning laws cometh for Dollar General

By Lauren Frazier  How much change can a rural community stand before it loses its identity as an idyllic agricultural paradise? A recent New York Times article documents how residents of Ebony, Virginia, struggle with this question. The town split…