Pittsboro, NC – The Chatham Soil and Water Conservation District announces an opportunity to apply for cost share through the North Carolina Ag Cost Share Program (ACSP), Ag Water Resources Assistance Program (AgWRAP) and Community Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP).
Last year, through these cost share programs, the District protected more than 300 tons of poultry waste through the construction of a waste storage structure (see photo), renovated more than 60 acres of pasture damaged by hurricane flooding and repaired more than 3,500 feet of agricultural access roads.

These are voluntary programs offering technical and financial assistance for installing Best Management Practices to address nonpoint source pollution.
Eligible applicants include owners and renters of agricultural operations who have a water quality issue on their farm and have been in business for three years. Cost share opportunities include the installation of Best Management Practices for waste management, stream protection, erosion management or agrichemical pollution prevention.
Eligible applicants include owners and renters of agricultural operations who need to increase their water use efficiency, availability and/or storage through Best Management Practices such as a well, an irrigation pond or converting to a micro-irrigation system.
This program helps urban, suburban and rural landowners install water quality improvement practices on their non-agricultural land. This funding is available to businesses, schools, churches, homeowners, parks, municipalities or community groups for the installation of Best Management Practices for waste management, stream protection or erosion management.
Applications are currently being accepted for these programs. All applications received will be evaluated and ranked according to District priorities with concern to water quality or quantity.
To apply for technical and financial assistance for the installation of Best Management Practices, individuals may contact the Chatham Soil and Water Conservation District Office:
Chatham Soil and Water Conservation District Office
Chatham County Agriculture and Conference Center
1192 US 64 W Business
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Email: kyle.watkins@nc.nacdnet.net
Phone: 919-542-8240