Pittsboro, NC – The Friends of the Chatham Community Library (FotCCL) has canceled its spring book sale, which was to have been held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 25, 26 and 27 at the library.
The reason for the cancellation is the continuing lockdown of government offices and businesses ordered by federal, state and local government, which at this writing is expected to continue at least through the spring.
Each sale at the library raises nearly $20,000 for the benefit of the library and its operations.
Despite the cancellation of the spring book sale and the loss of additional revenue provided by it, the Chatham Community Library is making every effort to continue serving the citizens of Chatham County.
For example, in the last six months, the library staff has provided the community with curbside take-out and return service, plus reference and research services via phone and computer, and virtual educational and entertainment classes for all ages.
The Friends is planning to resume the spring and fall book sales when the pandemic is officially declared ended. Until that time, the organization continues to welcome cash, check or similar donations, plus new membership applications.
More information may be found on its website at friendsccl.org.