Pittsboro, NC – February has arrived, bringing a hint of winter weather with it as well as the February edition of Growing Chatham. Check out the newest addition to the Growing Chatham Newsletter, the Growing Chatham Podcast.

For those who don’t have time to read through the newsletter, then maybe listening to a podcast is a great alternative while cooking dinner, taking a bath or perhaps getting ready for bed. The Chatham County Cooperative Extension is now offering the Growing Chatham Podcast where people can hear the latest news from the N.C. Cooperative Extension Center in Chatham County. The link to the podcast can be found in the newsletter.
This month’s newsletter offers new webinars, fact sheets, ways to save money before heading to the grocery store, and a video demonstration on how to cook Braised Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage and more. Readers can also find links to a Free Med Assist Event, a drive-thru pharmacy and updates about COVID-19 vaccinations from the Chatham County Public Health Public Department.
Go ahead, check out this month’s edition of Growing Chatham by visiting https://go.ncsu.edu/growingchatham221.