By Joan Triplet
Pittsboro, NC – Hi fellow Chathamites. I have a few questions in regards to a situation I am in. First the background. I had my first shot of the Moderna Vaccine last Monday, February 8, 2021 at the Chatham County Ag Conference Center in Pittsboro. I was given a COVID-19 vaccination record card with the info for the first injection on the front and the second injection on the back. The second shot shows scheduled on March 8, 2021 at 10 am. They said that was when I was to come back.

Friday, I got an email from the Chatham County Public Health Department giving me an appointment to return today on February 15, 2021 for the second vaccine. That’s only a week after the first and CDC protocol as I see it is a minimum of 28 days between shots for Moderna. I tried to get a phone number through the so called help line Friday. Because surely this can’t be right. The help line was really no help. The numbers listed and given do not reach a live person. Same recording that no vaccine appointments are available. I started to just go over there and get in front of someone at the event today, but didn’t. I didn’t because I have this card with an appointment on March 8. This makes sense; but one week between just doesn’t.
My question is have you or anyone you know received the Moderna second dose only a week after the first dose? I am concerned what that might do to my body. Nothing about this journey has been easy. Except, actually moving through the line last Friday to get in and out quickly. I thought I was all set for the second dose on March 8.
Now I have no idea if I should go on the March 8 or if there is some number in mystery land that handles problems like this. Anyone have a clue who I can call or how to go about verifying if I actually have an appointment other than the one I skipped today.
I cancelled it from a link in the email today because it said cancel/reschedule click here. I did that, but the only dates before April are next week and two weeks from now. The latest date showing was March 1. I don’t know if I screwed up by not going today and try to get an answer from someone there but I figured like everything else they have on job. To check you in, or give you a shot. Seems like there is a need for a line to handle situations like this. Any suggestions or info would be appreciated.
I just want to get my vaccine done and see the end of this pandemic.
To those of you who have gone through the process of getting the Moderna vaccine through the CCPHD at the Chatham County Ag Conference Center.
I know some of you got the second dose on Monday after getting the first dose January 22. I would like to hear from you as to if you were told that the date and time they write on the back of the Covid-19 Vaccine Record Card was your actual appointment to return for the second dose. Prior to that date did you receive either a text, email or call to confirm or as a reminder to return on that date or giving you a different appointment date and time? Basically, what was the process you went through?
On Tuesday, February 16, 2021 a representative from the Chatham County Public Health department shared a response to Joan Triplet with the Chatham Chatlist membership. Ms. Triplet’s questions had first appeared in Monday’s Chatham Chatlist daily digest.
“After viewing the message, the Chatham County Public Health Department connected with the resident to fix the issue. It was a single occurrence. The info line is currently open Monday-Thursday 10-4 pm with live people to answer questions. All second dose appointments are 4 weeks after the first dose, same location, same time as the first appointment.
If you have any questions, let me know! Thanks.
Zachary Horner
Communications Specialist
Chatham County Public Health Department
Phone: (919) 545-8441