By Gene Galin
Chapel Hill, NC – We had an opportunity to take a look inside the new Wegmans opening up in Chapel Hill on Wednesday, February 24.

Take a look at the video clips to get an idea of what you will find inside the new Wegmans grocery store.
Rob Santiago, former executive chef in Raleigh at the first Wegmans store to open in North Carolina is heading up the fresh and prepared foods sections in Chapel Hill.
We were escorted around store Manager Rick Walters. He told us about the Burger Bar and other sections of the store dedicated to preparing made to order food to either eat on the premises or take home.
You’ll be able to find a big selection of fresh fish and meat to take home.
The produce section is front and center as you enter through the main entrance into the store.
Folks from the upstate New York area will find some favorites in this Wegmans.
The new Wegmans follows company-wide safety procedures to help protect their customers and employees from COVID-19.
And when you’re done filling your shopping cart there are plenty of check out stations to get you out the door quickly.