Pittsboro, NC – With Chatham County’s 250th anniversary about to kick off, the event planning committee is excited to announce the celebration theme sponsors. The Chatham 250 celebration focuses on five main themes: Creative Arts, Community and Diversity, Growth and Change, Agriculture, and Natural Environment. Chatham 250 is grateful to each of the five sponsors – MOSAIC at Chatham Park, Chatham Hospital, BOLD, Mountaire Farms and Duke Energy – for making it possible to celebrate Chatham’s uniqueness, rich history, and promising future during this milestone 250th anniversary.

“The local businesses and organizations that stepped up to help us celebrate Chatham County’s 250th anniversary is as diverse and dynamic as the county itself. None of the sponsors surprised me as they often answer the call to provide support to important local efforts,” said Chatham 250 Co-Chair Renee Paschal. “What is perhaps a bit surprising is the fact that almost every organization we contacted wanted to participate in Chatham 250. I think that is due in part to the terrific efforts of our Fundraising Committee and in part to the generous spirit that permeates our wonderful county.”
“Our theme sponsors have been excellent community partners and Chatham is quite fortunate to have such a faithful and magnanimous group of corporate supporters,” said Chatham 250 Co-Chair Carl E. Thompson, Sr. “Because of them and our fantastic group of volunteers, we look forward to a very successful Chatham 250 celebration.”
The Creative Arts celebration theme sponsor: MOSAIC at Chatham Park
“The Creative Arts informs all aspects of MOSAIC’s design—whether that’s through building design or free-standing and integrated artistic elements in our community. MOSAIC’s focus on art complements the already-vibrant maker culture alive in Pittsboro and Chatham County.”
-Kirk J. Bradley, Manager, Eco CP Partners LLC, Developer of MOSAIC, Northwood Landing
The Diversity and Community celebration theme sponsor: Chatham Hospital
“Chatham Hospital is proud to support the Diversity and Community theme as our mission is to support the health and well-being of those we serve through quality, equitable healthcare and to build partnerships within our diverse community. As a 2020 Recipient of the Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care Honoree award, Chatham Hospital is continuously improving to lead the way in rural health care. We are building an inclusive and equitable culture that encourages and supports the diverse voices of our patients and each other.
During this pandemic, we have also been reminded how the larger community of first responders, EMS, and hospital staff and providers as well as community partners such as the Chatham County Public Health Department have been instrumental in protecting the well-being of our community. Thanks to a generous gift by the Chatham Chamber of Commerce Leadership Program, Chatham Hospital is proud to display an outdoor art piece on our campus to commemorate this collaboration.”
-Jeffrey Strickler, DHA, RN, President, Chatham Hospital
The Growth and Change celebration theme sponsor: BOLD
“BOLD decided to support the ’Growth and Change’ theme, because we are excited about where Chatham is headed and feel deeply tied to the area. As the Triangle continues to grow, we expect Chatham to transform from being a bedroom community to being an integral part of the Triangle economy. Thanks to years of careful planning and consideration by the county leadership, Chatham will be able to preserve its natural beauty while also providing development opportunities to accommodate growth. This growth will bring positive change for funding of schools, broadband, parks and other desired quality of life improvements. BOLD is excited to support this growth and change coming to Chatham County.”
–Chris Ehrenfeld, President, BOLD
The Agriculture celebration theme sponsor: Mountaire Farms
“Chatham 250 is an opportunity to celebrate the history and milestones of the past while looking towards a vibrant future. Agriculture is part of Chatham County’s economic foundation and we are committed to its growth. Mountaire Farms is proud to call Chatham County home and we join all in celebration.”
-Jarrod Lowery, Community Relations Manager, Mountaire Farms
The Natural Environment celebration theme sponsor: Duke Energy
“Duke Energy continues to seize new opportunities to deliver clean energy, build a diverse workforce, engage with our communities and deliver results with an unwavering commitment to transparency. It is fundamental to the makeup of our entire company and in supporting our communities. Being part of Chatham 250 and the Natural Environment celebration theme will help support this important work by celebrating the vibrancy of the Chatham community while honoring its rich history and promising future.”
-Indira Everett, District Manager, Government and Community Relations, Duke Energy
For the week of March 29 – April 2, Chatham 250 will celebrate and spotlight its celebration theme sponsors. The public is encouraged to follow Chatham County on Twitter and Facebook to see the spotlights featuring images and videos about the sponsors’ commitment to Chatham County and the Chatham 250 celebration themes.
More details about the Chatham 250 sponsors and celebration events can be found at chatham250.com. Those with any questions may contact Hilary Pollan at hilary.pollan@chathamcountync.gov.