Pittsboro, NC – The consultants overseeing the Chatham County unified development ordinance (UDO) will present a draft code audit for public review and feedback on April 4, 2022. The community can view the presentation at the Chatham County Board of Commissioners meeting at 6 p.m. at the Historic Courthouse, 9 Hillsboro Street in Pittsboro.
Chatham County contracted with White & Smith, LLC in 2021 to develop a unified development ordinance over a two-year period. The project will merge, rewrite, and update multiple ordinances and regulations while evaluating and improving upon existing standards.
“The goal is that the UDO will develop clear procedures and guidelines that are simple, flexible, and easily administered,” said Chatham County Planning Director Jason Sullivan. “The Planning Department is looking forward to the community seeing the results of the audit which will identify the subject areas to be revisited during the recode process.”
The UDO audit incorporates feedback received from October to December 2021 of advisory committees, the Planning Board, staff, and the Board of Commissioners and the issues identified as important as the County revises its zoning, subdivision, stormwater, and other land use codes over the next two years.
The public is encouraged to review the draft audit and to provide feedback at the April 4th meeting. Residents also may submit feedback in writing to UDO Project Manager Chance Mullis at recodechathamudo@chathamcountync.gov. A copy of the draft audit will be posted on the project website.