Information for June 6 Chatham County Board of Commissioners meeting

Pittsboro, NC – The Chatham County Board of Commissioners (BOC) will hold its Regular Session on Monday, June 6, 2022, at 1 p.m. at the Chatham County Historic Courthouse, 9 Hillsboro Street, Second Floor Courtroom, Pittsboro. Face coverings are optional while inside the building.

Residents may sign up to speak by completing the online sign-up form on the county website, which can be found at If residents do not want to speak in person, they may submit their comments in writing. The comments will be included in the meeting minutes but will not be read aloud during the meeting.

Individuals may access the meeting agenda packet, as well as the livestream by going here using the following instructions:

For first-time visitors to the site, click on the drop-down list next to the search field and select “All Years.” Then click the “Meeting Date” column to sort by most recent meeting to oldest meeting. These settings should save for any return visits to the site.For livestreaming, look for column on the right that says “Video.” Directly underneath, it currently says “Not Available” for the video of the June 6th meeting. However, when the meeting starts, the Video column will say “In Progress” for the June 6th meeting. Click on the words “In Progress” and it will go to the livestream. Once the video has adjourned and is uploaded to the site (usually done within 24 hours of the meeting adjourning), individuals may click on specific sections of the agenda (listed underneath the video), and it will go directly to that section of the meeting. There is no need to download the video for the entire meeting for those interested in specific item(s).

Please note, that the livestreaming software does not show presentations on the screen for residents watching from home but instead shows the meeting chambers so that commissioners are seen and heard throughout the entire meeting. All agenda materials and related presentations can be found within the agenda packet materials at

Questions about the meeting may be directed to Clerk to the Board Lindsay K. Ray at or 919-545-8302 or Deputy Clerk Lacee George at 919-542-8200 or

Board of Commissioners
Chatham County, NC
Meeting Agenda – Final
Historic Courthouse Courtroom
1:00 PM
Monday, June 6, 2022
The Board of Commissioners uses a Consent Agenda to act on non-controversial routine items quickly. The Consent Agenda is acted upon by one motion and vote of the Board. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda at the request of a Board member or citizen. The Consent Agenda contains the following items:
22-4324 Vote on a request to apply for the Building Integrated Communities Acceleration Grant through the North Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation to assist with the implementation of projects and programs identified through the Building Integrated Communities planning process.
The Public Input Session is held to give citizens an opportunity to speak on any item. The session is no more than thirty minutes long to allow as many as possible to speak. Speakers are limited to no more than three minutes each and may not give their time to another speaker. Speakers are required to sign up in advance. Individuals who wish to speak but cannot because of time constraints will be carried to the next meeting and given priority. We apologize for the tight time restrictions. They are necessary to ensure that we complete our business. If you have insufficient time to finish your presentation, we welcome your comments in writing.
22-4313 Receive update by White & Smith, LLC and have discussion on Unified Development Ordinance & Small Area Plan
CCNC BOC 06-06-22 Attachments:
22-4312 2021 Annual Child Protection Team and Child Fatality Prevention Team
2021 Annual CCPT CFPT Presentation
2021 CCPT Report
22-4316 Chatham County School Health, Physical Education, and Wellness
Instructional Program Facilitator 2021 – 2022 End of School Year Report.
2021-2022 End of School Year Report Attachments:
22-4323 Vote on a request to go into Closed Session pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a)(4)
to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses, including agreement on a tentative list of economic development incentives that may be offered by the public body.