Public comment needed on Haw River Trail Feasibility Study draft report

Pittsboro, NC – Chatham County seeks community input on its Haw River Trail Feasibility Study draft report. Over the last several months, the Chatham County Parks and Recreation Department has collaborated with Triangle J Council of Governments (TJCOG) and Alta Planning + Design to conduct the feasibility study for further development and improvement of the Haw River Trail. Their recommendations are now complete, and the draft report is available for public review and download at the Chatham County Parks and Recreation website.

The report covers the current conditions of the Haw River land and paddle trail in Chatham County, makes numerous recommendations for improving and further developing the trails, identifies key partnerships and strategies for carrying out these recommendations, and provides a number of resources to ensure the project is a success.

Printed copies of the report, along with paper comment forms, are available at the following locations:

    All three Chatham County Public Libraries branches:  

    Chatham Community Library, 197 NC Highway 87 North, Pittsboro
    Goldston Library, 9235 Pittsboro-Goldston Road, Goldston
    Wren Memorial Library, 500 N. Second Avenue, Siler City

    Chatham County Parks and Recreation office lobby, 964 East Street, Suite 100, Pittsboro

The public review and comment period will run until September 22. Community members are asked to share their feedback as the County finalizes this important study.

To leave comments or for more information on the Haw River Trail feasibility study, individuals may visit HERE or contact Ben Rippe, Chatham County Trails and Open Space Planner, at or 919-545-8553.