Pittsboro, NC – Another large group of angry and vocal neighbors gathered Thursday night at the Chatham Ag Center to hear Pulte’s revised plans for development on 63 acres of wooded property surrounded by Robeson Creek. According to their attorney, Matthew Carpenter, this plan was submitted to the Town of Pittsboro on April 29. The property is currently zoned for residential (1 house per acre) or agricultural use. Pulte has not yet purchased the land, but they have a contract to purchase contingent on rezoning, which would allow them to build a much more dense development. The zoning decision will be made by the Town of Pittsboro Board of Commissioners.
At the first meeting in April they showed a preliminary sketch to build 190 units (96 single family homes and 94 town homes). The sketch they showed Thursday night hasn’t changed much. Now they are talking about 192 units (Including two affordable homes)! They could not (or would not) provide any information about the price range of the homes they plan to build. The only other change in the new plan is for a public greenway trail through the required open space.
This is expected to be on the Town of Pittsboro Planning Board agenda for their July 15 meeting. There will be a public comment session at that meeting. The Town of Pittsboro does not provide contact information for Planning Board Members, but here is a list of their names.
Eric Braun, Chair
Alfreda Alston
William Baker
Karl Shaffer
Charity Mize
Ray Carney
Corey Forrest (alternate)
Matt Hayes (alternate)
The planning board is advisory. They will make a recommendation which goes to the Board of Commissioners. The BOC meets on the second Monday of each month and also has public input sessions at their meetings. The Alston Chapel Road issue will probably be on the agenda for their August meeting, but they’ve already heard from some of us during public input in May. It is possible to address this issue during public input even if the issue is not on their agenda. There will also be a public hearing scheduled before the decision. Here’s a link to the page with names and contact information for the Pittsboro Board of Commissioners.
FYI, the Pittsboro Board of Commissioners meets tonight (Monday, June 10) at 6 pm at the Chatham Ag Center. If you show up before the meeting starts, you can sign up to speak for 3 minutes during their public input session.
In addition to these official meetings, there is a grassroots community meeting in the works for late June, so that neighbors can coordinate a campaign to address our concerns. Stay tuned for more details.
Keep talking to your friends and neighbors and public officials about your concerns. Follow our Facebook Page SAVE ALSTON CHAPEL WOODS for more details, and continue to share this information through social media or other outlets as you prefer.