Category: chathamnc

2022 Chatham Landscape and Green Industry webinar series

Pittsboro, NC – In lieu of the annual, in-person conference, N.C. Cooperative Extension – Chatham County Centers is hosting a series of free, online webinars by NC State Extension staff and local industry experts. The webinars provide continuing education and…

I want to rant, but will try to be rational

By Kevin Roche Updated with one important point–the same person could easily repeatedly be a “case” under our current testing approach. I should retitle my research summary series “coldmonomania” lives forever.  I try not to get wound up.  A couple…

It’s time for a Parent’s Bill of Rights

Top 10 rights every parent deserves By Kelly Mann Raleigh, NC – As displayed across the country parents are feeling unheard, that their choices within schools are infringed upon and most importantly that students’ basic educational needs are not met.  Do…