Month: March 2021

What are NC teachers teaching? We have no idea

By Dr. Terry Stoops Raleigh, NC – One of the most peculiar aspects of education in North Carolina is that we know the number of wireless access points per classroom but know very little about what’s taught inside of it. …

Volunteers needed for statewide Spring litter sweep

Raleigh, NC – The N.C. Department of Transportation needs volunteers to help clean up trash along roads during the Adopt-A-Highway Spring Litter Sweep from April 10-24.  photo created by teksomolika Each April and September, NCDOT asks volunteers to help remove…

NCDOT announces winners of 2021 Aviation Art Contest

Raleigh, NC – The N.C. Department of Transportation’s Division of Aviation announced today the winners of this year’s Aviation Art Contest, an annual competition among students across North Carolina. 1st prize aviation artwork by Amy Lee of Cary NCDOT received 764 entries in…