Pittsboro, NC – The Chatham County Board of Commissioners (BOC) will meet on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at the Chatham County Agriculture and Conference Center located at 1192 US 64 Business West, Pittsboro. The Work Session will begin at 3:00 p.m. The Regular Session will begin at 6 p.m.
Please note that the meeting day is Tuesday since Chatham County government offices are closed Monday in observance of the Juneteenth holiday.
Work Session – 3:00 PM – Agriculture and Conference Center
NOTE: Anyone needing an accommodation to participate in the meeting should Notify the County Manager’s Office at 919-542-8200 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
In January of 2022, the Chatham County Board of Commissioners began recognizing all County employees retiring each month. This time is set aside to thank Chatham County retiring employees for their dedicated service.
The Public Input Session is held to give residents an opportunity to speak on any item. The session is no more than thirty minutes long to allow as many as possible to speak. Speakers are limited to no more than three minutes each and may not give their time to another speaker. Speakers are required to sign up in advance. Individuals who wish to speak but cannot because of time constraints will be carried to the next meeting and given priority. We apologize for the tight time restrictions. They are necessary to ensure that we complete our business. If you have insufficient time to finish your presentation, we welcome your comments in writing.
23-4734 Receive a presentation on Metropolitan Planning Organization boundary changes and vote on approving a new boundary.
Attachments: Planning MPO Boundary Changes Presentation
CAMPO_Chatham_Boundary_Expansion_8x11_Scenario_2 (1)
23-4804 Receive annual update from the Chatham Health Alliance
Attachments: Alliance BOC Presentation 6.2023
23-4806 Receive update from the Chatham Economic Development Corporation
Attachments: 6-20-23 EDC Presentation. BOC
23-4807 Receive Affordable Housing Update
Attachments: __BOC Housing Update 2023
23-4824 Vote to discuss applications and approve an appointment to the Climate Change Advisory Committee
End of Work Session
Regular Session – 6:00 PM – Agriculture and Conference Center
NOTE: Anyone needing an accommodation to participate in the meeting should Notify the County Manager’s Office at 919-542-8200 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
23-4815 Vote on a request to approve the FY 2023 – 2024 Budget Ordinance
Attachments: FY24 Budget Ordinance FINAL
The Board of Commissioners uses a Consent Agenda to act on non-controversial routine items quickly. The Consent Agenda is acted upon by one motion and vote of the Board. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda at the request of a Board member or resident. The Consent Agenda contains the following items:
23-4768 Vote to approve the naming of one private road in Chatham County
Attachments: W Billets Run Petition
23-4785 Vote to approve the naming of one private road in Chatham County
Attachments: Ruth Morrow Lane Petition
23-4774 Vote to approve to award a service weapon to retiring Lieutenant Kevin Campbell.
23-4780 Vote to approve the contract with GFL (Waste Industries) of Sanford transfer station.
Attachments: Service Agreement – GFL Sanford 7.1.23
23-4781 Vote to approve the contract with GFL (Waste Industries) of Durham transfer station.
Attachments: Service Agreement – GFL Durham 7.1.23
23-4782 Vote to approve the contract with Waste Management
Attachments: Service Agreement – Waste Management of the Carolinas 7.1.23
23-4788 Vote on request to award Sonoco Recycling, LLC the bid for the processing and marketing of mixed recyclables that are generated through the County collection centers and authorize the County Manager to sign the contract
Attachments: Sonoco Recycling Contract Final FY24.pdf
23-4792 Vote to approve the new five-year lease with Sharp Electronics Corporation for the County’s multi-function printers.
Attachments: FY23 Contract Template Major-Sharp Leasing USA
23-4801 Vote to approve annual Legal Contract for DSS Child Welfare and Adult
Attachments: Stephenson & Fleming, LLP_Social Services_20230701
23-4802 Vote to approve a contract with Rebuilding Together of the Triangle, awarding $100,000 from the Chatham County Housing Trust Fund for the purpose of engaging in rehabilitation of qualified owner-occupied single family residential dwellings.
Attachments: FY23 RTT HTF Award signed
23-4799 Vote to approve a contract with American Correctional Association for accreditation of the Chatham County Detention Center.
Attachments: ACA Agreement for Detention Center
23-4811 Vote to approve annual agreement with ChathamTrades
Attachments: Chatham Trades Contract-Approved by Legal
23-4813 Vote to approve annual agreement with Chatham Transit
Attachments: Agreement for Chatham Transit FY24-Approved by legal
23-4816 Vote to approve annual agreement between Chatham County and the
Chatham Economic Development Corporation
Attachments: EDC AGREEMENT – FY24
23-4817 Vote to approve the transfer of the lease with Central Carolina Community College from the Chatham County Council on Aging to Chatham County for the Eastern Chatham Senior Center property and building located at 365 NC-87, Pittsboro.
Attachments: ECSC Lease Assignment
23-4819 Vote to accept the transfer of all assets owned by the Chatham County Council on Aging, a 501c3 non-profit corporation.
Attachments: Conditional Non-Objection Letter
COA Asset Transfer List June 2023
23-4805 Vote to approve the FY23-24 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) funding plan.
Attachments: FY 23-24 Chatham JCPC Funding Plan draft
23-4834 Vote on a request to approve the Home and Community Care Block Grant for fiscal year 2023/2024 as recommended by the Advisory Committee appointed by the County Commissioners.
Attachments: 731- County Services Summary- FY 2023-2024 732-In-Home-Supplement FY 2023-2024
DAAS 732- HCCBG Provider Packet- 6-16-23
DAAS 732- Provider Services Summary- 6.16.23
HCCBG Planning Committee Meeting Presentation 2023-2024-Final
23-4818 Vote to approve the special warranty deed between the Chatham County Council on Aging and Chatham County for Parcel ID #0082813 located at 112 Village Lake Road, Siler City.
Attachments: WCSC Special Warranty Deed
23-4795 Vote on a request by Adam Freeman, P.E. on behalf of 501 Prairie View, LLC to approve the subdivision First Plat for Valiant Reserve, consisting of 19 lots on 23.064 acres, located off Lystra Road (SR-1721), parcel 18892 and 65382 in Williams Township.
Attachments: More information from the Planning department website
23-4791 Vote on a request to approve Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget Amendments
Attachments: Budget Amendment 2022-2023 Jun23
23-4800 Vote to approve Tax Releases and Refunds
Attachments: May 2023 Release and Refund Report
May 2023 NCVTS Pending Refund Report
23-4808 Vote to adopt a resolution to convey voting booths to Craven County and Franklin County.
Attachments: Resolution to Convey Property Franklin and Craven County
23-4794 Vote to approve a Pyrotechnics Display at the Governors Club, 11000 Club Dr. Chapel Hill 27517, on July 4, 2023.
Attachments: Attachment A – N.C.G.S. Pyrotechnic Displays
Attachment B – Pyrotechnic Display Request Gov. Club 2023
Attachment C – Diaz Pyrotechnic License
Attachment D – Pioneer Certificate of Insurance 2023
Attachment E – Pioneer ATF License 2023
Attachment F – Gov. Club Site Plan 2023
23-4803 Vote to approve reappointment of Lisa Padgett to the Library Advisory Committee
23-4809 Vote to approve the appointment of Guadalupe Perez to the Recreation Advisory Committee
23-4820 Vote to approve reappointments to the Recreation Advisory Committee
23-4810 Vote to approve appointments to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
23-4812 Vote to approve appointments to the Transportation Advisory Committee
23-4814 Vote to approve appointments to the Environmental Review Advisory Committee
23-4821 Vote to approve reappointments to the Climate Change Advisory Committee
23-4822 Vote to approve reappointment of Davis Andrews to the Appearance Commission
23-4835 Vote to approve reappointment of Debra Oldham to the ABC Board
End of Consent Agenda
The Public Input Session is held to give residents an opportunity to speak on any item. The session is no more than thirty minutes long to allow as many as possible to speak. Speakers are limited to no more than three minutes each and may not give their time to another speaker. Speakers are required to sign up in advance. Individuals who wish to speak but cannot because of time constraints will be carried to the next meeting and given priority. We apologize for the tight time restrictions. They are necessary to ensure that we complete our business. If you have insufficient time to finish your presentation, we welcome your comments in writing.
23-4793 A legislative public hearing requested by Sean McCall representing Manns Chapel II LLC to amend the Watershed Protection Map for property located at 11399 US 15-501 (parcels 2641 and 2642) to revise the boundary between the WS-IV Protected Area and WS-II Balance of Watershed districts.
Attachments: More information from the Planning department website
Residents may sign up to speak by completing the online sign-up form on the county website, which can be found at chathamcountync.gov/publicinput. If residents do not want to speak in person, they may submit their comments in writing. The comments will be included in the meeting minutes but will not be read aloud during the meeting.
Individuals may access the meeting agenda at chathamnc.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. For first-time visitors to the site, click on the drop-down list next to the search field and select “All Years.” Then click the “Meeting Date” column to sort by most recent meeting to oldest meeting. These settings should save for any return visits to the site.
The meeting will be livestreamed via Microsoft Teams. The public may join the meeting via computer, mobile app, or room device.
Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 254 595 145 711
Passcode: 3XsjTm
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If residents have questions, they can contact the office of Clerk to the Board Lindsay Ray at 919-542-8200 or at lindsay.ray@chathamcountync.gov