Pittsboro, NC – The Chatham County Board of Commissioners will meet on Monday, August 7, 2023, at the Chatham County Agriculture and Conference Center located at 1192 US 64 Business West, Pittsboro. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. There is no afternoon Work Session.
Board of Commissioners Meeting Agenda
Monday, August 7, 2023
6:00 PM
Agriculture and Conference Center
Regular Session – 6:00 PM – Agriculture and Conference Center
NOTE: Anyone needing an accommodation to participate in the meeting should Notify the County Manager’s Office at 919-542-8200 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
The Board of Commissioners uses a Consent Agenda to act on non-controversial routine items quickly. The Consent Agenda is acted upon by one motion and vote of the Board. Items may be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed on the Regular Agenda at the request of a Board member or resident. The Consent Agenda contains the following items:
23-4876 Vote to adopt a resolution approving the Interlocal Agreement (ILA) for the Western Intake Partnership real estate.
ILA Western Intake Real Estate Resolution
23-4877 Vote to approve $2,500 from UNC Family Medicine to support the evaluation of the Maternity Care Center by sharing relevant public health data
End of Consent Agenda
The Public Input Session is held to give residents an opportunity to speak on any item. The session is no more than thirty minutes long to allow as many as possible to speak. Speakers are limited to no more than three minutes each and may not give their time to another speaker. Speakers are required to sign up in advance. Individuals who wish to speak but cannot because of time constraints will be carried to the next meeting and given priority. We apologize for the tight time restrictions. They are necessary to ensure that we complete our business. If you have insufficient time to finish your presentation, we welcome your comments in writing.
23-4893 Vote to set a public hearing for August 21, 2023, during the Chatham County Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m., to receive comments on the reapportionment alternative plans for Chatham County Board of Commissioner residency districts.
Redistricting Presentation – August 2023
Residents may sign up to speak by completing the online sign-up form on the county website, which can be found at chathamcountync.gov/publicinput. If residents do not want to speak in person, they may submit their comments in writing. The comments will be included in the meeting minutes but will not be read aloud during the meeting.
Individuals may access the meeting agenda at chathamnc.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. For first-time visitors to the site, click on the drop-down list next to the search field and select “All Years.” Then click the “Meeting Date” column to sort by most recent meeting to oldest meeting. These settings should save for any return visits to the site.
The meeting will be livestreamed via Microsoft Teams. The public may join the meeting via computer, mobile app, or room device.
Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 274 981 690 970
Passcode: TZ6eqe
Download Teams | Join on the web
Questions about the meeting may be directed to Clerk to the Board Lindsay K. Ray at lindsay.ray@chathamcountync.gov or 919-545-8302.