By Colby Sawyer
The Town of Pittsboro is pleased to announce that the re-recording of the 2024 State of the Town Event is now available on the Town website at This event featured a keynote presentation by Mayor Kyle Shipp, who highlighted the Town’s significant accomplishments from the past year and unveiled plans for continued progress in the months ahead. The presentation’s theme centered on “PBO: People, Business, and Organization” – the three pillars that guide Pittsboro’s efforts to serve its community.

The PBO theme underscored the Town’s initiatives in three key areas:
- People: The efforts made to enhance the quality of life for all Pittsboro residents, from public services and places to community programs.
- Business: Ongoing support and investment in local businesses to drive economic development and sustainability.
- Organization: Strengthening the Town’s capacity to deliver better services, improve infrastructure, and ensure long-term growth.
The original, in-person event experienced technical difficulties, which necessitated completing a new recording. The State of the Town webpage has the video, a list of questions asked during the live event, and responses.
We sincerely thank Chatham County Schools and the staff at Northwood High School for welcoming us into the school for our event this year.
See below for a list of questions asked during the presentation and the answer:
Any plans for a Target or other big box stores?
Currently, there are no plans for big box stores to open in Pittsboro. Stay tuned for future development projects as our community grows.
Do any other local governments have GAC filtration like we have? Will Sanford have it also?
Pittsboro is one of the first public water systems in North Carolina to employ Granular Activated Carbon, or GAC, technology. We are also the first to host a pilot study for a new type of advanced filtration that utilizes foam fractionation, carbon nanotubes, and UV light to destroy contaminants. On October 29th, 2024, the City of Sanford broke ground on the new TriRiver Water Filtration Facility, which will process 18 million gallons of water daily and utilize GAC filtration. There is also room built into the new facility to expand different types of advanced filtration in the future. No water from Sanford will be sent to Pittsboro customers until it is treated to the same advanced standards that we utilize at the Pittsboro Water Treatment Plant.
Can you repeat and elaborate on what you said about the detection of 1-4 dioxane not in the water?
Through collaboration with other local, state, and federal partners, we determined the most likely source of 1,4-dioxane in the Haw River. We took legal action against this company and other upstream polluters and believe that the source of 1,4-dioxane in the Haw River has been eliminated. Continued testing in our water system has not found any detectable levels of 1,4-dioxane, further supporting that the source has been eliminated.
How will the town support our struggling Early Childcare systems?
The Town recognizes the need for early childcare and the value that these services bring to our community. We will continue to work with local and regional partners to determine how we can best support early childcare providers in Town and throughout the region.
Will more restaurants be coming to the area? I have heard there are sewer capacity issues limiting restaurant additions.
With increased sewer capacity on the horizon, more businesses, including restaurants, can come to the area. In the last 12-18 months, we have had at least 15 businesses open in Pittsboro. From local restaurants like Hoops Pizza and West End Kitchen to coffee shops, art galleries, car service businesses, and veterinary offices, Pittsboro is open for business.
We look forward to welcoming more businesses to our community in the future.
Is there a plan for increased traffic around the circle?
The Town is working closely with the NC Department of Transportation to ensure we are prepared for increased traffic in town and regionally as we continue to grow. The Board of Commissioners voted to move US 15-501 from Downtown west to NC-87, and NCDOT agreed, so large truck traffic will not be routed through downtown and the traffic circle upon project completion. Also, with Chatham Park Way’s completion around the east side of town, an additional north/south route will be available outside downtown. The State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) outlines the expansion and enhancements of transportation infrastructure, and the Pittsboro area has many ongoing projects. For more information on the STIP, Click Here.
We also work closely with developers and our community to design, place, and build pedestrian infrastructure such as sidewalks, greenways, and multi-use paths. Expanding our multi-modal transportation options allows our community to be less reliant on vehicles for transportation while also supporting a cleaner environment.
Are there any plans for an athletic park/fields from the Town Parks and Rec department now that we have a hotel available to house visiting athletic teams if tournaments are hosted here?
We encourage the community to share their thoughts on current and future park developments by participating in upcoming Community Surveys and Public Input Meetings. More information about upcoming community engagement opportunities can be found on our PBO ENGAGE website. Online and in-person engagement sessions for two specific parks will begin in Spring 2025, so be on the lookout for these opportunities by signing up for Town News and Alerts.
What are your plans for protecting green space and natural areas in the Pittsboro ETJ?
Protecting green space and natural areas is one of the Town’s top priorities. We are working closely with Town Staff and the Board to ensure the conservation of trees and open space is at the forefront of planning and projects. An example is the Scenic Corridor Overlays Project, which guides the number of trees and green spaces permitted around certain types of businesses. Another example is the conservation we achieved with the Roberson Walk project, with 70+ acres dedicated to the Town for a natural park.
What is the amount considered Affordable Housing and Area Median Income in Pittsboro?
Of the more than 25,000 total approved housing units, more than 2,400 or almost 10% are required to be provided as affordable housing. Pittsboro falls within the Durham-Chapel Hill MSA. AMI details for our area can be found by clicking here. What we consider currently “affordable housing” for single-family detached homes is an aggregate total of 70% AMI or lower. For example, rent for a family of four would not exceed $1,075 per month, and homes would be listed at or below $294,000
What uses are the Town most looking for in the next 3-5 years, residential, commercial, industrial, etc.?
Residential, commercial, and industrial growth all play a role in a balanced and thriving community. The Town is working with the appropriate parties to ensure that all growth facets are being considered and accounted for.
What is the status of growth relative to water and sewer capacity? Time frame, etc.
With the completion of the TriRiver Water Merger, we are excited to welcome increased water and wastewater capacity. We anticipate the sewer force main to Sanford to be complete by Spring 2027. A water line from Sanford to Pittsboro is also being designed. This will further allow for development and expansion.
In addition to viewing the State of the Town video, we would like to remind everyone that the 2025-2026 Community Budget Survey is available for residents to complete. The survey is designed to receive feedback as we draft a plan that best uses your, the taxpayer’s, dollars as we determine financial priorities while we move through our budget process over the coming months. The survey is accessed from the Engagement website at and will be available until 5:00 PM on Friday, January 31st, 2025. We ask that our community help us share the survey so that we can receive the highest number of responses.
We wish all a happy, healthy, and safe New Year’s Eve and day and remind the community that Town Hall will be closed on January 1st, 2025, for New Year’s Day.
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Colby W. Sawyer, MPA CEM | Public Information Officer & Emergency Management Coordinator
Town of Pittsboro, North Carolina
Town Hall Number 919-542-4621